A. You are entitled to compensation for any medical expenses related to your automobile accident. If you lose wages, you can seek compensation even if you are covered by sick leave or use vacation pay. If the automobile accident leaves permanent impairment, you can seek compensation on several levels, such as loss of earning power or to cover permanent healthcare assistance.
Q. What can I expect to recover in compensation after an automobile accident?
Q. What advantages do I gain by hiring a personal injury lawyer to handle my auto accident?
A. When an attorney takes your auto-related personal injury case, you are relieved of dealing with all the headaches connected to dealing with the insurance companies that may be involved.
You have an advocate that is on your side. The insurance company, even your own, is never your advocate.
Q. Should I accept whatever the insurance company offers me?
A. No, you should not. Believe it or not, many insurance companies actually offer unfair settlements hoping that you will accept the offer. Even knowing you might seek an attorney because their offer is so ridiculous does not deter this practice. Many insurance companies are willing to risk you hiring an attorney because in the end, if you hire one that is incompetent, they save money.
Q. Why not wait to see what insurance company is willing to offer me before I hire a personal injury attorney?
A. If you do, you may find yourself stuck permanently with a lower offer. Why? Because you are far more likely to speak with an insurance adjuster without counsel and say something that will be interpreted in the insurance company’s favor. You will also be at greater risk for being pressured into a quick settlement.